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Renocheck is the winner of the Südback Trend Award 2019


Renosan Chemie & Technik GmbH presented a newly developed hygiene app and an e-learning portal at the Südback. The applications support food businesses in the implementation and compliance with hygiene standards and documentation within the framework of legal requirements. For the applications, Renocheck received the Südback Trend Award 2019 in the Marketing, Sales & Organization category.

The cloud-based application was developed specifically for bakeries and pastry shops and enables the digital transformation of analog processes. Many tasks and structures such as e.g. a HAACP concept, hygiene management, cleaning plans, hygiene training, certificates, company wiki, document management, etc. can be implemented and checked online quickly and easily with the application.

Customers benefit from a clear and inexpensive cost structure, support with implementation and the option of being able to hire the company's hygiene experts directly to adapt the company's own HAACP concept or hygiene checks and live training on site.

Essential functions of the hygiene app and e-learning portal:

  • Create and monitor digital and variable HACCP lists for compliance and documentation of hygiene and quality standards
  • Map HACCP checkpoints and other test areas transparently
  • Direct access to all locations via the web dashboard
  • Digital inspection, documentation and evaluation
  • Direct / fast communication between headquarters / site
  • Central overview in multiple locations
  • Create and send important messages via tablets
  • Conduct and evaluate hygiene and infection protection training online
  • Provide your own courses and instructions online
  • Distribute and evaluate certificates or read confirmations directly
  • You can also use the tool as integrated document management or as a company wiki